The fox was found in a trap and luckily was rescued

The fox was found in a trap and rescued. She is like a pet, that eats dry food, walks on a leash and sleeps in a basket.
The beginning of the story is sad: the wild animal got caught in a trap, got tangled in the ropes and was seriously injured.
It was only by chance that the staff of the wildlife rescue center found her. Of course, they brought the injured animal home and tried to help it. They eventually managed to help, but that was not the end of the story.

This all happened in Warwickshire, UK. Fortunately, there is a very good rehabilitation center here where the fox was able to fully recover from his serious injuries, although it will take a long time.
During this time the fox became too domesticated  with humans and probably could not survive in its original wild form.

However, a man named Jeff Greycock, who heard the story, didn’t like the change at all because it would have left the fox ownerless and decided to take it for himself.
The vixen, named Roxy, was delighted with her new home and, to everyone’s surprise, she began to behave like a normal house dog.

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