The cat walked 3000 kilometers in 8 months: all in order to find his beloved owners

In one of the cities of Uzbekistan there lived a family consisting of two parents and their son. A cat named Karim lived in the house. At some point, the family decided to change their place of residence. Having discussed everything in detail, people decided to move to Russia and after a while they began to settle down in a small town in the Voronezh region. The family did not take the cat on the road, deciding that such a journey is already quite risky and difficult, and the animal will only interfere.

Parents did not know if they would be able to find a job and a home in a new place, and even more so, they did not think that landlords would want to rent out housing to a family with an animal. Karim was left in Uzbekistan, given to the care of acquaintances. The family was saddened by the separation from their pet, but they were even more upset when they learned that Karim had run away from his new home after spending only one day there.

Eight months have passed since the move, the hostess got a job at the local market and one day she noticed a cat near the trade pavilions. The cat was like two drops of water similar to Karim. The animal saw the woman and immediately ran up to her. It was terrible to look at the cat: thin, weak, covered in wounds.

The woman returned from work with the cat. The rest of the family immediately refused to believe that Karim was in front of them, but after looking more closely, they recognized that the cat really looked like their pet both in appearance and in its habits. When the cat rested and began to recover, the last doubts of the family disappeared. All the habits of the cat were exactly the same as Karim’s.

To get from Uzbekistan to the Voronezh region, Karim walked for almost 8 months. You can not believe that this story is real, but there are dozens of confirmations for it, at one time Karim became a real star, about which all the newspapers wrote and even several stories appeared on TV.

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