Park Ranger Cares Gorilla Who Just Lost His Mother

Our love for our parents is the strongest in the world. And that is about both for animals and humans.And of couse losing a parent is the most tragic experience. Here we want to present some touching photos about love.

The gorilla felt that pain at Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.After loosing its mom, the poor creature finds support in one of the park’s rangers, Patrick Karabaranga, whose compassion for the orphaned gorilla is touching as well.

It is a place where orphaned gorillas like this one are protected from the cruel poachers.
The mass deforestation became the reason, that the mountain gorillas, have become a critically endangered species. In the last years, their numbers have dramatically declined and poaching is one of the most dangerous activity that threats the wildlife.

Virunga National Park helped very much to restore the gorilla populationto can be a very positive example in this way. Here are living around 200 individuals, about a quarter of the world’s mountain gorilla population.

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