A cat who had been missing for three days has returned home, surprising its owner with a note around its neck

Unlike any other four-legged companion, cats usually have the odd habit of disappearing for days on end. The mysterious cats surprise the neighborhood, while their owners search them everywhere or simply wait for them for days until they come home.

When they finally showed up at their home, owners couldn’t even imagine where they were or what adventure they had. A cat owner from Thailand seemed to solve this mystery recently, when her kitten returned with a linked note around her neck. Her cat disappeared for three days and the owner had no idea where she might be. Now the note has shed some light on this enigma. Now he knew the «bitter» truth about his cat’s adventure.

As soon as he read the note his cat was carrying, he was surprised: it was not a kind message or a note of blessing, but a «food bill». It turned out that her missing cat, all these days, visited the fish market, in particular, the market seller. It was written on the amusing note that his cat was looking at the mackerels on the vendor’s stall, and that he gave him three.


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