A 77-year-old woman who has never celebrated her birthday hears her name on the loudspeaker…

Students and staff at Frances Buzzard School in West Virginia love and appreciate her as a school janitor. This 77-year-old woman always arrives at school with a smile and takes great care of the establishment.

But, as the staff found out that her childhood was not typical of what other modern people have these days, they took the choice to do something for her. Because Frances grew up in poverty, she had little money to spend on her birthday or vacation.

The staff decided to solve this problem and throw her a birthday party as a sign of appreciation for her.
They invited the woman in the room after 200 staff and students came to celebrate her birthday and the cafeteria was decorated with lovely birthday snacks.

Miss Francis was called over the loudspeaker into the dining room and she was delighted. Frances thought she had been called to do the job, but when she opened the doors and found what was there, she couldn’t believe it.

As the gifts were already in the hall, the students applauded her and sent her their best wishes for that beautiful day.

She was accorded the status of a queen and even received her very own sash and crown to wear. When her family had money, Frances revealed that the only gifts she ever received as a child were fruits and nuts.

It was a big party for her. She said she was very happy and appreciated it very much because no one had ever done it for her with so much love.

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