Service dog with his own degree

Dogs , especially the service pups are always around when someone needs them.

The university decided that the service dog that was near his owner through all school years, is worthy for huje honor.

So let us introduce Brittany who suffers from complex regional pain and is in a wheelchair. And she finally got one a service dog.

During the first meeting the dog was not scared of wheelchair and jumped into her lap and started licking her. They had an interesting journey together.
This pup was a great company for her during both happy and hard times.

And this dog helped Brittany to believe that she is ready to graduate. And she did not want to go there alone and wanted to graduate with Griffin.
And the interesting thing is that the uni accepted the idea. And Griffing walked to the stage and got an honorary degree.

They both achieved the graduate degree together. They were attenting to all classes together and Griffin was a full member of this huge family.
And of course they will continue support and work together.

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