4 dogs block traffic, drivers realize they are protecting … but whom???
Dogs are by nature social creatures. They yearn for family, friendship, and community, and
Mattress Store Owner Leaves One Outside For Stray Dogs To Sleep In
Sometimes the simplest gestures can make someone’s day better, whether it’s a helpless human
A girl with the appearance of a doll is already 9 years old: this is what she looks like today
Today, many parents are in an endless debate about whether beauty pageants should not
She cleans the same building for years, then she loses her apartment and her job: the tenants rent her one
In life, you can meet wonderful people who would do anything to help those
The dog was thrown out of the car with the puppies in a snowstorm, and she tried to climb back
It was a cold January outside. Lesya and her little puppies were pulled out
The dog fell into a cave and spent almost two weeks without food and water.
Tourists went on a speleological trip. There were several shallow caves along their route,
A pregnant dog in the parking lot looked into the eyes of passers-by, hoping for help
The dog walked around the parking lot at the store and looked into the
Grandpa built a cart to take his non-walking dog for a walk every day
Italian Tonino Vitale loves his pet Labrador named Dylan. Dylan’s age for an animal
Untraceable for 13 months, a cat travels hundreds of kilometers to find her old home
What an incredible story that of Cocci, a cat that disappeared in the summer
She gives birth to nine little boys and breaks all records: «They consume 6 liters of milk and 100 diapers a day»
There are people who, to get into the Guinness World Records, have to sweat