One in 200 million chance: British couple had identical same-sex triplets

If in the past, half a century ago, the records of the number of children during a pregnancy were general, today it is necessary to clarify: was fertilization natural or artificial? Because, in the latter case, the appearance of twins is the norm, not a rarity. But couple Sian William and Aaron Palfrey all three have daughters conceived the good old fashioned way. And they are unique identical triplets.

The pregnancy was planned, desired, but the calculation was made for only one child. Sian, 31, an employee of a financial agency, is aware of the difficulty of raising children today. Her husband is younger, but has no illusions either. So when the doctor first detected the second heartbeat, and then the third, the couple was somewhat discouraged. But when in week 15 it became clear that they would be triplets girls, they accepted their fate. One egg gave three lives — a one in 200 million chance.

Due to the fact that the girls are absolutely identical in appearance, the mother must use multi-colored nail polish to distinguish them. They sold their beautiful Mercedes to buy a spacious Land Rover, it’s much easier to put three child seats at once. Yes, there are exactly three times more problems with triplets than with a single child, but this is a kind of reward, a special gift. Over the past year, Sian has lost her father and all of her grandparents, so the girls are «coming in time» to fill the void of loss.

The girls were named Yorgi, Belle and Olivia. Their favorite color is pink, like mum’s.


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