“For 40 years in the woods”: this woman fled people and lived like the ancients

“For 40 years in the woods”: this woman fled people and lived like the ancients…

A woman named Lynx has become famous for her unique behavior, she lives in conditions where not everyone would live like this. She was born into an ordinary family and when she started studying botany, she realized that she really loved nature and wanted to live outside the city.

It’s fine to decide to make it happen. Have started living in extreme conditions.

If you keep it on its own, come face to face with all the antichids, cacciava vari animali, raccoglieva funghi e bacche e viveva in this modo fino all’età di 46 anni.

When he received an inheritance, he bought a large piece of land and began to live there. He also wears strange clothes.

He always wears animal skins and often sleeps in the forest. She got used to it and became a completely wild person.

He even collects tourists and organizes various excursions. Tell people how an individual can survive in the wild.

For some, it is a very interesting and unique experience. They find the food as it has for years. And of course, some people think she’s gone crazy. What do you think?

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