Abandoned by the owner, a small dog dug a hole for himself to stay in it forever

Not far from the dump, a small dog began to appear. People living nearby began to see her more and more often. The animal looked dirty and thin, it was clear that it had no owners. The dog did not come close to people, ran up only to pick up food and immediately ran away.

Outwardly, the dog looked like a beaver, and in size it barely exceeded the cat. The dog had no hiding place, so he dug a hole for himself and spent most of his time in it. It seemed that the dog was waiting for the approach of death and had already prepared a place for itself in which to meet it.

The girl who saved the dog says that the hole really looked like a funeral. The girl found out about the new homeless animal right away, but she didn’t have a place to pick it up. Free overexposures were filled, as well as paid ones, each of the volunteers also took care of a dozen animals living in their homes.

The mind said that there was no place for a dog, but the heart told me to go and check. Soon the girl walked through the garbage, trying to find a newcomer. The dog was not in the mood to communicate with a person; probably, she had previously suffered from the cruelty of people more than once. It took several days, but the dog began to trust the girl.

Taking the animal in her arms for the first time, the girl realized that the dog was very light, she was exhausted and could live on the street for only a few more days.

Because of the felted wool, the sex of the animal could not be determined, a terrible smell emanated from it.

When the dog was in the clinic, they immediately began to cut and wash it, because the tangles tightened and irritated the skin of the animal.

After the haircut, the age was determined, about 5 years old, and the sex was a boy. It also became clear that treatment would be required.

The baby was named Klepik. Veterinarians removed 12 of his teeth, which were very inflamed and began to rot, the rest were put in order. The dog was castrated. Several injections in the clinic and a number of procedures helped to overcome skin allergies.

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