A 14-year-old builder built a real house for his little sister

Mark Williams, a resident of an English town, recently posted a post on his Facebook page to say how proud he is of his 14-year-old son. The thing is, Bradley (that’s the boy’s name) built a house for his little sister so he could play there himself. And he did it in a week without any help.

Today we want to share with you this incredible and very moving story.
Bradley spent all his time playing video games, but his father found a way to distract his son.

Since the boy liked to tinker and build, and even wanted to go to a construction school, he asked him to fulfill the dream of his sister, who had long wanted a playhouse or an observation deck.

The result was amazing! Bradley designed the plan and did all the work himself.
Within a week, seven-year-old Ellie Mae had her own home. And Bradley himself was so enthusiastic about the work that he wanted to build a summer bar in the backyard for his father.

After Mark’s message was posted online, the boy received emails from around the world offering him work.

But he is in no rush as he wants to go to college first and improve his skills and knowledge.

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